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Practical Self-Care Tips to Help You Recharge During the Holidays

The holidays bring so much joy, but they can also be a stressful and overwhelming time. With celebrations, parties, shopping, travel, and family obligations, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and overworked. To ensure your wellbeing during the holidays, it’s important to practice self-care. Self-care is all about taking the time to prioritize your mental, emotional, and physical health. If you want to make sure you stay balanced and stress-free during the holidays, this guide is here to provide you with practical self-care tips to help you recharge. From taking breaks and getting enough sleep to eating healthy meals and setting boundaries, these tips will help you stay healthy and balanced during this special time of year.

Take breaks from holiday festivities

When we’re over-scheduled and stressed, we can end up resenting the people we love the most — or even resenting ourselves for not being able to stay on top of everything. It’s important to take breaks from the hustle and bustle of holiday festivities so you can recharge your batteries, catch your breath, and come back as your best self. If you feel like you’re having a tough time keeping up, it’s important to let people know you need some space. If you’re hosting an event and feel like you’re overwhelmed, it’s totally fine to ask for help. It’s also a good idea to let people know that you need a break so they can plan around it.

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential to staying healthy and balanced during the holidays. When you’re well rested, you’re more likely to be positive, productive, and happy — which will help you stay calm and collected when the holiday hustle and bustle begins. Getting enough sleep can also help decrease feelings of anxiety, stress, and irritability — three common emotions during the holidays. You may also find that you’re less sensitive to stress when you’re getting enough sleep. To help yourself get enough sleep during the holidays, follow these tips: Plan out your schedule: It’s important to keep track of your daily activities so you don’t overbook yourself. Lower your expectations: You can’t do it all, so know when to say no. Make your bed a sleep sanctuary: Your bed should feel like a place of rest and relaxation. There are many ways to make your bed a sleep sanctuary, such as creating a sleep ritual, using relaxing bedding, and turning off your devices so they don’t interrupt your sleep.

Eat healthy meals

When the holidays roll around, it’s easy to let healthy eating fall by the wayside. It’s important to stay on top of your eating habits during this special time of year so you can stay energized and grounded. Eating healthy meals during the holidays can help you stay focused and alert, keep your mood positive, and avoid the “blahs.” There are a few things you can do to stay on top of eating healthy meals during the holidays: Plan out your meals: Make sure you have healthy meals planned for each day of the week. This will help you stay on top of your eating habits. Plan your snacks: It’s important to plan your snacks so you have something to eat when you’re hungry. Avoid places that have unhealthy snacks, like gas stations and grocery stores. Bring your own snacks so you don’t fall for the unhealthy trap. Find healthy recipes: There are plenty of recipes online that are filled with healthy foods. 

Exercise to relieve stress

Exercising is one of the best ways to relieve stress and boost your mood. When you exercise on a regular basis, you can reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep, increase your energy, and feel more optimistic — all of which will come in handy during the holidays! When choosing which type of exercise to do, make sure you choose something that you enjoy so you’re more likely to stick with it. Some good types of exercise to help relieve stress include:

  • Taking a walk while listening to music

  • Working out with friends

  • Going for a swim

  • Doing yoga

  • Playing a sport

  • Getting a massage

Make time for yourself

During the holidays, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. When you’re busy dealing with holiday obligations, it can be easy to forget about self-care. It’s important to make time for yourself so you can stay grounded. When you make time for yourself, you’re able to take a step back and recharge. It’s also a good idea to make time for self-care during the holidays so you have time to recover from being so busy. There are a variety of ways you can make time for yourself during the holidays, including:

  • Taking a break from social media: It’s important to take breaks from social media so you can clear your head and focus on the real world.

  • Keeping a gratitude journal: Being grateful helps you focus on the positive things in your life. It’s a great way to practice gratitude during the holidays.

Practice relaxation techniques

When you’re super busy, it’s easy to get stressed and anxious — two emotions that are common during the holidays. The holidays are a time when people are especially susceptible to stress, anxiety, and depression. If you’re feeling overwhelmed during the holidays, it’s important to practice relaxation techniques so you can stay grounded. Relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are great ways to reduce stress and anxiety. You can even combine different techniques to create a personalized relaxation routine.

Avoid holiday burnout

Holiday burnout happens when you’re so focused on getting everything done that you don’t take any breaks. When you’re so focused on getting things done, you’re more likely to feel stressed and overwhelmed. To avoid holiday burnout, it’s important to make time for yourself. Make sure you’re taking regular breaks so you can recharge and stay focused on the things that matter. It’s also important to keep an eye on your energy levels so you know when you need a break. Here are some signs that you need a break:

  • You feel overwhelmed

  • You have low energy

  • You have a hard time focusing

  • You feel irritable

Set boundaries

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the holidays can be a time when it’s easy to let others take advantage of you. It’s important to set boundaries so you can avoid letting people take advantage of you during the holidays. When you set boundaries, you communicate to others what you’re willing and not willing to do. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by how much you have to do during the holidays, it’s a good idea to set boundaries with your family and friends. Here are some ways you can set boundaries during the holidays: Decline invitations that aren’t a good fit for you. You don’t have to do everything. Let others know when you can’t help with something. Let people know when you need help.

Connect with friends and family

During the holidays, it’s easy to get distracted by the hustle and bustle. It’s important to take time to connect with friends and family. In fact, connecting meaningfully with others is one of the best ways to relieve stress during the holidays. When you’re in the moment, and connecting with others, you’re able to let go of the things that are weighing you down, such as your to-do list. Plus, connecting with others can help you feel more optimistic about the future. Here are some ways you can connect with others during the holidays:

  • Make plans with friends and family: It’s important to make plans with the people you love so you can spend time with them.

  • Make time to send holiday cards: It’s easy to forget about sending holiday cards, but it’s a great way to connect with others.